
Popular Listings In The Area

Relay for Life is very active in our mountains.
For more information click for their website.

The Bascom offers many art classes for all ages, exhibits and seminars.
Call for more information at 828-526-4949 or click for their website.

The Highlands Playhouse is located at 362 Oak St., in Highlands.
For more information call 828.526.9443 or click for their website.

The Martin-Lipscomb Performing Arts Center Since 2000 Highlands Martin-Lipscomb Performing Arts Center has been a place of entertainment, culture, and education.
For more information call 828-526-9047 or click for their website.

The Highlands Cashiers Players are into their 12th season.
For more information call 828.526.8084 or click for their website.

Old Edwards Inn Special Events
For more information call 828-526-8008 or 1-800-526-8008 or click for their website.

The Nantahala Hiking Club For more information, call either Carl Blozan at 828.743-1765, or Kay Coriell at 828-369-6820 or click for their website.

Smoky Mountain Center for the Performing Arts is located in Franklin 866-273-4615 or click for their website.

The Fine and Performing Arts Centeris located in Cullowee 828-227-2479 or click for their website.

Walhalla Civic Center 101 E. North Broad Street, Walhalla, SC 29691
For more information call 864-638-5277 or click for their website.

South Carolina Botanical Garden, Clemson University, 102 Garden Trail Clemson, SC 29634
For more information call 864-656-3405 or click for their website.

Fairfield Sapphire Valley, NC
For more information, call 828-743-3441 or 1-800-533-8268 or click for their website.

The Foothills Chorale performs at the Brook Center, Clemson University.
For more information call 864.656.7787 or click for their website.

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PO Box 1889 Highlands, NC 28741

(828) 526-1045

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