If you are interested in advertising,
please contact us below.
Advertiser’s Comments
This radio station brought the buyers through the door with an intent to purchase an advertised product.
– T A Anderson Goldsmith
Your personal touch combined with an unsurpassed professionalism helped to jump start our business.
-Highlands Resort Rentals & Real Estate
We have had many many customers find us because they heard our ad on your radio station.
-Highlands Whole Life Supply
Your “Listen Live” on the website has been very beneficial to my business. Clients from out of state come in to shop and meet me in person.
-Wanda Drake of Drake Diamond Gallery
Listener’s Comments
Found your station online and L-O-V-E it! Each time I tune in you have just the “right mix” of enjoyable music.
-D.B., High Point, NC
The morning broadcast today was so very well done. Very touching, very family like and we listened all day.
-S.G., Atlanta, GA
Happy 17th Anniversary. You have added so much great music and a greater swense of community by giving us WHLC.
-Al Bolt, Mitchells Lodge and Cottages, Highlands, NC
When I moved to Clemson, SC., I was thrilled to find WHLC. I am comforted by the “hometown” element that is present in your broadcasts.
-D.F., Anderson University, Anderson, SC
WHLC Coverage Area
Reach Us
PO Box 1889 Highlands, NC 28741
(828) 526-1045